Our website offers Five Nights at Freddy's 2 1.032 that can be downloaded free of charge. The fact that Scott Cawthon is the developer of it is well-known by its users. Notice that this game is compatible with the following OSs: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit.
The most popular version of the game is 1.0. This game can be also titled as "Five Nights at Freddys 2".
The most common names of installation files for this game that can be found on our software library are: Five Nights at Freddys 2.exe, FiveNightsatFreddys2.exe and FiveNightsatFreddys2_Demo.exe, etc. The built-in antivirus system reports that this program is virus free. You can find this game in the Games category on our website.