Our website provides Expressivo 1.5.1 that can be downloaded free of charge. These filenames are among the most common for the tool: expressivo.exe, Expressivo 1.2.0 PORTABLE.exe, Expressivo 1.4.1.exe and Expressivo_1.2.2.exe.
According to the information on our software library the most popular versions of the software are: 1.5, 1.4 and 1.3. This tool can be installed on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit. The built-in antivirus system indicates that the downloadable file is secure. As users state, it possesses such a plus as it has a good price. The program can be often called "Expressivo Demo", "Expressivo Demo RC2", "Expressivo Demo Release Candidate". The copyright holder of this tool is IVO Software.