Our software library offers Backup4all Professional 9.9.943 that can be downloaded for free. The built-in antivirus system indicates that this software is virus free. The software can open ".bkc". The copyright holder of this tool is Softland.
The most widespread installation file name of the software is Backup4all.exe. Notice that this tool is compatible with the following OSs: Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit. You can find this program in the System Utilities category on our software library.
As users state, it features the following strong sides: it has an excellent interface, is reliable, has lots of features, is complete and provides great support. Users write reviews saying that you can notice such a drawback of it as it is buggy. According to the information on our website the most popular versions of this tool are: 7.3, 6.0 and 5.0.