WinCatalog Light 2.92 is provided for free on our software library. The size of this file you are about to download is 104.4 MB. Please note that it is created by WinCatalog. Notice that WinCatalog Light can be launched on the following OSs: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit.
The most common name of installation file for the software that can be found on our database is: WinCatalogL.exe. The most popular versions of the tool that our community members choose are 2.6, 2.5 and 2.3.
Our antivirus system always checks the software for spyware. It scanned this program and reported that it is clean to use. This tool handles the following file: ".wcl". Many users note that the main disadvantage of this tool is: this tool is not free. The software is found among Lifestyle, according to its main functionality.