A free version of Softerra LDAP Browser 4.5.13724 can be found on our software library. Our antivirus system always scans the downloadable files for malware. It scanned Softerra LDAP Browser and reported that it is 100% secure. Softerra is the creator of this program.
According to the information on our software library the most popular versions of the program are: 4.5, 2.6 and 2.5. Many users point out that the considerable benefit of it is: it has a nice interface.
Softerra LDAP Browser is found among Developer Tools, according to its main functionality. These installation files are often used to install the software: ldapbrowser.exe, Icon520049D83.exe and Icon520049D84.exe. Notice that this program can be installed on the following OSs: Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32/64-bit.