Our website provides Garmin MapSource 6.16.3 that can be downloaded for free. The program works with such file formats as ".mps" and ".gdb".
The most popular and frequently downloaded files of the program are: MapSource.exe, UnlockWizard.exe, xxMapSource.exe, MapSource_6-15-6.exe and MapSource_6-15-11.exe. Notice that this tool can be installed on the following OSs: Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit.
Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries is the creator of Garmin MapSource. This program is also titled as "MapSource", "Garmin Mapsource Greece", "Garmin MapSource Beta". It is related to System Utilities, according to its main functionality. The size of the downloadable installation file is about 54.4 MB.
The most popular versions of the software are 6.16, 6.5 and 6.1. This downloadable file has been checked by our built-in antivirus system, the report displays that the software is secure.
Many users highlight that the strong sides of it are: it is easy to set up and it offers quick download. According to the community opinions, it features these disadvantages: it is hard to use, it contains many ads and is not user-friendly.
Sounds great - but how do I get the old version so I can install the new version? We have 2 Garmins - one for each vehicle. We love Garmin!