BitTorrent 7.11.0 is provided for free on Download Basket. The most popular versions of the program that our community members download are 8.0, 7.10 and 7.9. The built-in antivirus system shows that this downloadable file is virus free.
The most widespread formats which the tool works with are ".torrent", ".bt" and ".magnet".
The most popular and frequently downloaded files of the software are: bittorrent.exe, bittorrent_bittorrent_7.6.0_build_26618_anglais_11039.exe, BitTorrent_7.6.1.27221.exe, BitTorrent_7.5_master 1.exe and BitTorrent_7.2_master.exe.
The fact that BitTorrent, Inc. is the developer of this tool is well-known by its users. BitTorrent refers to Internet Tools, according to its main functionality. It can be installed on Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32/64-bit.
As users indicate, there are several advantages: the software has a great UI, offers simple controls, is reliable, is easy to navigate, is absolutely free, is light on resources and provides quick download. According to the community reviews, you can find such a drawback of the software as it is buggy. The size of the file you can download is 2.9 MB.