A free version of Quran With Tafseer 1.0 can be found on our software library. As users mention, the strong point of Quran With Tafseer is: Quran With Tafseer has a quick search. Quran With Tafseer is related to Lifestyle, according to its main functionality.
Our antivirus system always checks the software for spyware. It scanned this program and reported that it is virus free. It is designed to work with Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit. Please note that it is created by Muhammad Kashif.
Sometimes, this program can be distributed under different titles, like "Quran With Tafseer Software". The most popular version of this program that our community members install is 1.0. The most popular and frequently downloaded files of the tool are: QuranTafseer.exe, _19DBE4D1C82A929777775E.exe, _47F3B30127D0E11B52C20A.exe, _4B91F39954B7D8A10D9794.exe and _C6DF84D03BA477B29E263B.exe.