Our website offers Beyond Compare 5.0.3 that can be downloaded free of charge. The most popular versions of this software that our community members download are 4.2, 4.1 and 4.0. The copyright of this program belongs to Scooter Software, Inc.
Our users often look for the installation files for this software with the following names: BCompare.exe, BC2.exe, IconD4E7553E.exe, IconC9DA55A8.exe and IconC7C312501.exe etc. The most widespread formats that the software opens are ".bcss" and ".bcpkg".
As users mention, the benefit of Beyond Compare is: its intuitive interface. According to the system requirements, Beyond Compare is available for the following OSs: Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32/64-bit.
The built-in antivirus system shows that this downloadable file is secure. The downloadable file of the latest program version requires 2.5 MB of free space. Sometimes, the software is distributed under various titles, such as "Beyond Compare 2.5.1", "Beyond Compare beta", "Beyond Compare 2.5.2". You can find this program in the System Utilities category on our software library.