Our website offers hkSFV 2.01 that can be downloaded free of charge. The size of the downloadable installation file is about 227 KB. Also, the software can be referred to as "hkSFV Application". Big-O Software is the developer of this tool.
According to the information on our website the most popular versions of this tool are: 2.0 and 1.0. The most widespread formats that the tool processes are ".md5" and ".sfv". These filenames are among the most common for this program: hkSFV.exe and IconF0ABAEAF.exe.
The built-in antivirus system shows that this software is virus free. Based on the users’ reviews, the considerable advantage of hkSFV is hkSFV provides quick access, however, some people note that hkSFV possesses such a drawback as hkSFV is unstable. Notice that it is compatible with the following OSs: Windows XP/7 32-bit. You can find this program in the System Utilities category on our software library.