BrainsBreaker 5.8.7 is provided for free on Download Basket. As users indicate, BrainsBreaker features such a benefit as BrainsBreaker has an easy interface. The built-in antivirus system shows that the program is virus free.
The minimum amount of storage to launch the file is 14.4 MB. It is designed to work with Windows XP/7/8/10 32-bit. The alternative titles of the software are "BrainsBreaker 305", "BrainsBreaker 307b", "BrainsBreaker 227".
The most widespread installation file names of the software are BBrk4.exe, BB5.exe, bbrk32.exe, BBrk4 PARA JUGAR.exe and register.exe etc. The program processes such formats as ".sav", ".puz" and ".bbrkpuzzle". The fact that Juan Trujillo is the developer of this program is well-known by its users. According to the information on our website the most popular versions of the program are: 5.7, 5.6 and 5.5.