Kyodai Mahjongg 21.42 is provided free of charge on our software library. The copyright of this tool belongs to Rene-Gilles Deberdt. The most popular and frequently downloaded files of this tool are: kmj.exe, Dc13.exe, Mahjongg10.exe, Mahjongg.exe and kyodai8.exe.
The most popular versions of this program that our community members download are 21.4, 1.4 and 1.2. Our antivirus system always scans the software for spyware. It scanned this program and reported that it is clean to use.
Sometimes, this tool is distributed under various names, like "Kyodai Mahjongg 2006", "Kyodai Mahjongg 2006 by Yahya Ghazwani". The software can work with ".lay" and ".kyo". This tool can be launched on Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit.
Hope this is the game I've loved and played for over 10 years! It's fun - got it as shareware originally and registered it. Lost the paperwork but need to get it on this new laptop....