iMesh 12.5.0 is provided for free on our software library. The most widespread installation file names of this program are iMesh.exe, iMesh6.exe, iMeshSetup-r393-n-bc.exe, nso25.tmp.exe and nso1D9.tmp.exe etc. The built-in antivirus system shows that the program is secure.
Notice that the software can be launched on the following OSs: Windows 2000/XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10 32/64-bit. The most popular versions of the software are 12.5, 12.0 and 11.0. IMesh is related to Audio & Video, according to its main purpose. IMesh Inc. is the creator of this tool.
Based on the community feedback, the big benefits of the software are: the software has an attractive interface, is trouble-free, has a stable connection, is complete and provides quick download. As users indicate, the software features the following disadvantages: it is hard to use, the software displays ads everywhere, freezes sometimes, is too complicated and is not free. This program handles such files as ".wmv", ".mp3" and ".avi".