A free version of Paltalk Messenger 11.2121.6105 can be found on our software library. The built-in antivirus system indicates that the program is virus free. The most popular file format which this tool supports is ".paltalk".
The most widespread installation file names of this tool are paltalk.exe, 99 367.exe, pale talk.exe, paltalk.exe and paltalk7.exe etc. The fact that AVM Software is the developer of this tool is well-known by its users.
According to the system requirements, this program supports the following OSs: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit.
Some users indicate that the software features the following strong sides: the software has a user-friendly interface, it's a free service, is very safe and has good support. Based on the user opinions, the obvious drawbacks of the software are: the software has security holes, displays audio ads, is too complicated and is hard to uninstall. You can find this program in the Communication category on our website. The most popular versions of the tool that our community members download are 11.8, 11.7 and 11.6.