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Softros LAN Messenger


Download free Softros LAN Messenger 12.3 on our website. The most widespread installation file names of the software are Messenger.exe, Messengert.exe and Msgctrl.exe etc. The most popular versions of this tool that our community members choose are 9.1, 9.0 and 8.0.

It can be launched on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit. The copyright of Softros LAN Messenger belongs to Softros Systems LLC. This tool is found among Communication, according to its main purpose. The downloadable file of the latest program version requires 37.4 MB of free space.

This program has been scanned by our built-in antivirus system, the report shows that Softros LAN Messenger is virus free.

Users write reviews pointing out that the distinct advantages of the software are: the software has a smooth UI and is safe. Based on the user feedback, the software features such a drawback as the software is not worth paying for.

  • Developed by Softros Systems LLC
  • File name: softroslanmessengersetup.exe (37.4 MB)
  • Latest version: 12.3
  • License: Shareware
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