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On our website, you can get a free download of MB-Ruler Markus Bader is the developer of this tool. The most popular versions of the program that our community members install are 5.3, 5.2 and 5.1.

This program has been scanned by our built-in antivirus system, the analysis shows that this program is virus free. As users indicate, you can find such a drawback of the software as the software is not user-friendly. The minimum amount of storage to launch the file is 3.2 MB.

Notice that the software is compatible with the following OSs: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit. The software refers to Productivity, according to its main purpose. The most popular and frequently downloaded files of this tool are: MB-Ruler.exe, MB-MapGPS.exe, MB-RulerPro.Demo.exe and RulerRemoteInterface.exe.

  • Developed by Markus Bader
  • File name: (3.2 MB)
  • Latest version:
  • License: Free
  • Updated: August 27, 2022
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