Belarc Advisor 12.1 is provided free of charge on Download Basket. The fact that Belarc, Inc. is the developer of this program is well-known by its users. The most popular versions of this tool are 8.6, 8.5 and 8.2.
The most popular and frequently downloaded files of the software are: BelarcAdvisor.exe, rundll32.exe, actmovie.exe, Belarc Advisor.exe and BelarcAdvisor.sfx.exe. The software processes the following formats: ".der", ".dib" and ".dun".
Some users highlight that the software has the following strong points: it's a free tool, the software works like a charm, is very stable, is simple and easy to use, is complete and keeps getting better.
This tool can be launched on Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32/64-bit. The program has been checked by our built-in antivirus system, the analysis indicates that this tool is 100% secure. You can find it in the System Utilities category on our software library.