The free Service Manager 8.0.760 download is provided on our website. According to the community opinions, you can find such a drawback of this tool as this tool is not free. Please note that it is created by Martin Fuchs.
These installation files are often used to install this software: servicemgr.exe, AI_in_SmartHome.exe, SManager.exe, SManager20.exe and SManager21.exe. Our antivirus system always checks the downloadable files for spyware. It scanned it and reported that it is 100% secure.
You can find it in the System Utilities category on our website. Notice that this tool can be launched on the following OSs: Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit. The most popular versions of this software that our community members install are 8.0, 5.2 and 4.6.