Our software library offers PIXresizer 2.0.8 that can be downloaded for free. PIXresizer is designed to work with Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit.
Most users highlight that PIXresizer possesses such strong points as it's a free service and it is very easy to use. As users state, the weak side of PIXresizer is: PIXresizer has a bad user interface.
According to the information on our software library the most popular versions of this program are: 2.0 and 1.0. You can find this program in the Graphic Design category on our software library.
The most popular and frequently downloaded files of this software are: PIXresizer.exe, IconFC70D5C7.exe and PIXResizer v2.0.0.5.exe. Our antivirus system always scans the software for malware. It scanned it and reported that it is 100% secure. Please note that it is created by Bluefive software.