Our website provides QuarkXPress 2024 that can be downloaded for free. Based on the user feedback, you can find such a disadvantage of this program as it isn't compatible with Windows 7.
The most popular versions of the program that our community members choose are 10.5, 10.2 and 10.1. Quark Software Inc. is the developer of it. The software processes these file formats: ".qxb", ".qxl" and ".xnt".
The most widespread installation file names of the program are QuarkXPress.exe, IconF8F3CBD8.exe, rundll32.exe, SCUTQXP_706EA4A897B54C29A0F30B38C666F0C4.exe and SSW7ED_6AB701A8.exe etc. You can find QuarkXPress in the Graphic Design category on our website. Our antivirus system always scans the downloadable files for spyware. It scanned it and reported that it is 100% secure. Notice that this tool can be installed on the following OSs: Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32/64-bit.