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Organizer 16.2 is available for free on our software library.

These installation files are often used to install this program: Organizer.exe, _9633A8BA6B68_4820_8ACC_72F4464464DA.exe, _64479E5ABCF8_4494_95F5_EF551A27C0FB.exe, _40C4E0184CE0_4D91_8B93_CE5E2CBAEF4C.exe and _15024A0ED067_4256_BFEE_46696AEE56A7.exe.

This program is included in Productivity, according to its main functionality. The copyright holder of this tool is soft Xpansion. Notice that the software is compatible with the following OSs: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit.

Our antivirus system always scans the software for malware. It scanned it and reported that it is 100% secure. According to the information on our website the most popular versions of this program are: 16.2, 6.0 and 5.3. Users write reviews stating that the strong side of Organizer is: it is easy to set up.

  • Developed by soft Xpansion
  • Latest version: 16.2
  • License: Commercial
  • Updated: November 28, 2018
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