Active@ File Recovery 24.0 is provided for free on our software library. You can find this tool in the System Utilities category on our website.
Users write reviews saying that this program possesses the following benefits: this program has a user-friendly interface, has a good price and is efficient.
This tool can be also named "Active File Recovery Demo", "Active File Recovery", "Active File Recovery Translated by Adept ". LSoft Technologies Inc. is the creator of Active@ File Recovery.
Our antivirus system always scans the downloadable files for malware. It scanned this tool and reported that it is 100% secure. This program is a program which is frequently known as FileRecovery.exe, FileRecoveryPro.exe, FileRecoveryDemo.exe, Active File Recovery 9.exe and SetupISO.exe, etc.
The most popular versions of this software are 17.0, 16.0 and 15.0. Notice that Active@ File Recovery can be installed on the following OSs: Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32/64-bit. The minimum amount of storage to set up the file is 28.3 MB.