aTube Catcher 4.35.869.08.79 is available free of charge on Download Basket.
The most common names of installation files for this program that can be found on our database are: yct.exe, Atube Catcher.exe, aTubeCatcher.exe, ICReinstall_atube-catcher-291327-baixaki-32-bits.exe and sp326461.exe, etc.
According to the information on our software library the most popular versions of this tool are: 3.8, 3.1 and 2.9. This program can be also called "YouTube Catcher rc1", "YouTube Catcher", "aTube Catcher rc2".
Notice that this program can be launched on the following OSs: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit. The software is categorized as Internet Tools, according to its main purpose.
Based on the community reviews, the obvious pluses of aTube Catcher are: aTube Catcher has an intuitive interface, it's a free tool, has lots of features, is very easy to use and is stable. Our antivirus system always scans the software for malware. It scanned the software and reported that it is clean to use. The copyright of this program belongs to DsNET Corp.
When a newer version comes out, the older version quits working. Forces you to update if you want to continue using their product even if the older version is working fine?