Our website provides ALLPlayer 8.9.6 that can be downloaded for free. If you have 71.5 MB of free space on your disk, you can easily set up the latest version of the software.
The most common names of installation files for this tool that can be found on our database are: ALLPlayer.exe, ALLConverter.exe, ALLPlayer.exe.exe, ALLPlayerEN.exe and ALLSkinCreator.exe, etc. This program is found among Audio & Video, according to its main functionality.
This program can be often titled as "ALLPlayer V2.X", "ALLPlayer V3.X", "ALLPlayer V1.X". Please note that it is developed by ALLPlayer Group Ltd. The most popular file formats which this tool works with are ".dat", ".mp4" and ".mkv".
The most popular versions of the software that our community members install are 8.3, 8.2 and 8.0. Our antivirus system always scans the programs for malware. It scanned it and reported that it is 100% secure.
Notice that this tool can be installed on the following OSs: Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32/64-bit. Users write reviews pointing out that the significant benefit of this program is: this program has a nice user interface.