Download free PC Tools Firewall Plus on our software library. The most widespread installation file names of this program are FirewallGUI.exe, Driver.exe, fwinstall.exe, FWService.exe and PCTFW.exe etc.
Notice that it can be launched on the following OSs: Windows 95/XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10 32-bit.
As users indicate, this tool has these benefits: this tool has an easy UI, has a great price, its installation is quick, has a light resource usage, is secure out of the box, is effective and is highly customizable. Many users note that the main disadvantage of this tool is: this tool needs more updates.
The fact that PC Tools is the creator of PC Tools Firewall Plus is well-known by its users. According to the information on our software library the most popular versions of the software are: 7.0, 6.0 and 5.0. The software has been checked by our built-in antivirus system, the analysis shows that this tool is absolutely safe.
A good firewall, very helpful, when it was necessary, helped to survive a network attack!