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Screenshot Captor


Download free Screenshot Captor 4.36.2 on our website. The software has been scanned by our built-in antivirus system, the report displays that this program is virus free. According to the system requirements, it supports the following OSs: Windows XP/XP Professional/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit.

The copyright of Screenshot Captor belongs to DonationCoder. Some users point out that the strong point of this program is: this program is fast and easy to use. If you have 8.5 MB of free space on your disk, you can easily set up the latest version of this tool.

This tool refers to Graphic Design, according to its main purpose. The most popular versions of this software that our community members download are 4.9, 4.8 and 4.7. Screenshot Captor is a tool which is frequently known as ScreenshotCaptor.exe, Copy of ScreenshotCaptor.exe and SSC.exe, etc.

  • Developed by DonationCoder
  • File name: screenshotcaptorsetup.exe (8.5 MB)
  • Latest version: 4.36.2
  • License: Free
  • Updated: March 06, 2020
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