The free Age of Empires 4.0105.919.3236 download is provided on our software library. This game is a game which is commonly known as Empires.exe, WMCCFG.exe, EMPIRES.EXE.exe, EMPIRES,.EXE and EBUE6B7.EXE, etc. The copyright holder of this game is Ensemble Studios.
Age of Empires can be launched on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit. This downloadable file has been checked by our built-in antivirus system, the analysis displays that this game is 100% secure. Age of Empires is related to Games, according to its main purpose.
As users indicate, it has the following strong points: it is simple and easy to use and is easy to use. Users write reviews saying that you can find such a disadvantage of it as it is unstable. The most popular versions of this game that our community members download are 4.0105, 2.0 and 1.0. This software can be often named "Microsoft Age of Empires", "Age of Empires Trial", "Microsoft Age of Empires Trial".