Sothink HTML Editor 2.5 is provided for free on our software library. The most widespread installation file names of the software are editor2_64.exe and SothinkHtmlEditor.exe etc. Sothink HTML Editor is included in Developer Tools, according to its main functionality.
The fact that SourceTec Software Co., LTD is the creator of this tool is well-known by its users. According to the system requirements, the software is available for the following OSs: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 32-bit.
The downloadable file has been scanned by our built-in antivirus system, the analysis shows that Sothink HTML Editor is absolutely safe. The minimum amount of storage to launch the file is 4.3 MB. Most users state that Sothink HTML Editor possesses the following advantages: Sothink HTML Editor works well and is effective. The most popular version of this program is 2.5.